A. Applicant must reside or attend school or be employed in Washington County WI.
B. Applicant must have or be nearing successful completion of a high school diploma or GED.
C. Applicant must be enrolled or preparing to enroll in a post-secondary education at any accredited
technical school, college or university with an emphasis in agriculture or a somewhat related field.
A. Up to three $1000 scholarships will be awarded (If no eligible candidates are found, the scholarship
committee has the right to withhold presentation of the awards).
B. Scholarships will be presented to the recipients at the annual Washington County Breakfast on the
Farm. 6/11/22 location Dornacker Praire Acres LLC 5055 Cedar View Dr. West Bend, WI 53095.
How to apply
A. Complete and provide:
1. Application form
2. At least two letters of recommendation (guidance counselor, teacher, employer, mentor, etc.)
3. Transcripts of High School or post-secondary grades from previous semester
4. Include a one page essay (not to exceed 400 words) explaining:
a. Why you have selected an education in agriculture or related field?
b. What are your future career goals?
c. What makes you a unique candidate for this scholarship?
B. Forms can be obtained by e-mailing (evschaefer64@gmail.com) OR DOWNLOAD HERE
Applications must be submitted by mail postmarked no later than April 15.
C. Include a stamped self-addressed post card with application. This card will be mailed back
to the applicant to acknowledge that the proper information has been received. Contact the person
to whom you submitted the application if the card is not returned by April 30.
D. Submit to person and address listed below. Applications received with postage due will not be
Selection process
A. Selection to be made on the recommendation of the scholarship committee based upon:
1. An essay by the applicant limited to one page explaining their goals, objectives and need.
2. Two letters of recommendation (from a teacher, employer, counselor, mentor, etc. - parents or
guardian excluded) to be submitted with application.
3. Transcript of high school grades.
4. Neatness and attention to detail will be part of the selection process. Essay letter must be
signed by applicant.
Payment of scholarship funds
A. Proof of completion of the first semester’s course of study via transcript of grades is required
by February 1, 2023. A 2.5 C+ grade point average or better and enrollment in the second
semester studies are also required. Payment to be made by February 14, 2023.
Submit by April 15 to:
Ellen Schaefer
6627 County Rd. M
West Bend, WI 53090
2019- Scholarship Winners and Presenter from the Committee